When installing a door it’s important that you have the terminology correct or else you could end up with an improper door installation, which could end up being a costly mistake. It’s important to take into consideration how many doors you have (one or two), the motion you’re looking to achieve, and if you have two doors: which one is active and which one is anchored. Please use the door-swing animation to see a working example of the proper naming convention for your door installation.
Use the reference below to understand the naming convention to identify how a door swing should swing when you install a door.
Right Hand Outswing
Hinges on the left, swinging out
Left Hand Inswing
Hinges on the left, swinging in
Left Hand Outswing
Hinges on the right, swinging out
Right Hand Inswing
Hinges on the right, swinging in
Right Hand Outswing Active
Swinging out, left door active
Left Hand Outswing Active
Swinging out, right door active
Left Hand Inswing Active
Swinging in, left door active
Right Hand Inswing Active
Swinging in, right door active